Friday, August 3, 2007

Coming in for a landing feet first!

Well we got some interesting news today at our doctor's visit. They did an ultrasound to check Xander's growth and see how he is doing. He is doing great! He is already weighing in at 5lbs. 6oz. So he should be a little over 7lbs at birth. However he is currently in a breech position. We go back next week on August 10th to check amniotic fluid levels and his position. We will be at 35 weeks on Sunday. So he has until 37 weeks to make a move. If he doesn't get into position we will investigate the option of the doctor's trying to manually turn him from outside the body. So please keep us in your prayers for God's will. If it comes down to a C-Section then he will most likely be here at the end of August.
He is super healthy however and that is more important to us than anything.
Oh, and during the ultrasound he was very uncooperative so we couldn't get a glimpse of his sweet little face again but we did see that he already has a head-full of hair.
We cannot wait to meet him. He is already chock-full of character. I suppose if he wants to grace this world feet first then that is what he chooses to do. At least he will be coming in ready to land on his feet and be firmly planted.

1 comment:

Karen Hubbs said...

Isn't technology amazing??? I can't believe that you can see hair...amazing. I love you two ROCK!! Love you guys. KK