Thursday, May 29, 2008

What is Xander up to now? (part 1)

Well Xander had his first day at the pool on Memorial Day. The water was entirely too cold for him and he would dip his toes in and then draw them up even faster. He wasn't quite sure what to think about it but overall I think he had fun.
Xander is into everything. He is so curious. He still does his combat crawl but he can bust a move.
In the following pictures he is trying to get Daddy's guitar case and eat it as he tries to do to everything.
Then of course the next picture he got busted trying to scoot under his pack and play, which he found to be very funny. Then his toy bin he thought was more fun to play with than all of the toys that were tucked away inside. Xander is a real treat. He is lively, opinionated, silly and just makes us belly laugh daily.
We love each and every one of you.
Celebrating HIM!

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